Samstag, 11. August 2012

How to save a curl...

I only know this feeling too well: It's morning and your hair looks like a giant frizz-ball or you jump out of bed hurrying into the bathroom to wash your hair, although you might have washed it just yesterday...

I've been following this routine for almost a year (even though my friends told me off...) robbing my hair it's moisture and oil every morning. The result was that my hair looked great! (--> in the first five weeks :(  )
It gradually became dryer beginning to look dull and de-moisturized.

But I wouldn't care, because the curls were still more defined and "together" than before I started washing
my hair everyday! (--> to tell you frankly: I didn't use any conditioner nor no-poo shampoo at that time...little did I know ^^).

But as you may know: All good things come to an end! (though it wasn't really a good thing)
At a certain point my hair wouldn't look "good" in the morning and to make the whole thing even worse
it also wouldn't do after washing it!
And by that time I decided to give up this "morning-wash-'n'-go" thing and went to the local hairdresser...

I told my mom that I was no longer willing to invest so much time in the morning and that I decided
to get a shortcut. She warned me that it might not work out as I planned, but I had my way and left

The hairdresser was pretty good for my hair afterwards seemed healthy and shiny again.
Now I had chin-short curls which at first (naturally) seemed to be more carefree than my shoulder
lenght curls, but they ended up just like they did before: dry and de-moisturized.
(I just didn't know how to care for them :( and to defend my mom: her hairs not as curly as mine!
I've got my curls from my dad who wears his hair very very short --> no advices how to handle them

I felt horrible about my hair and because my curls are so "thick" I'd have to spend 30€ to get my
hair professionally straightened...and as you know it's not lasting long. My mom wouldn't straigthen it and my dad tried, but it still would look like a disguised curly girl with "home-straigthened" hair...

In despair I searched the internet for a solution...and found one!! Some of you may know what I'm going to tell you now ;) The method I'm talking 'bout is called "blow-drying". I still had some money left and
so I decided to make an appointment to get my hair professionally blow-dryed! Of course I looked things
up on the internet and knew about the health risk with all those chemicals and the formaldehyd, but I
didn't care. The idea of having straight hair and those swooshing ponytails was just too good!

Luckily I gave up the whole idea when I discovered the book "Curly Girl" by Lorraine Massey.
I gave it a last try and searched the internet again for a solution of my problem...
and I found one (big surprise!)!
I read the book and afterwards decided to never ever straighten my beautiful curls again! :D

But I couldn't find any of those products named (or suggested) in the book in the local drugstores.
So I only used conditioner on my hair and skipped the shampoo completely.
It worked out as well and my hair never looked greasy or strawy, but I wasn't satisfied with this.
Finally I found a shop on the internet which is not too pricy and without shipping costs. (big plus for they
can be high!).

I strongly recommend this book to every curly girl struggeling with their hair or tying it back into
a tight poytail every day. It really helps you to be proud of your hair and it includes instructions how
to cut curls yourself or how to do a nice evening up-do.
P.S.: I bought myself the second edition (which also has a chapter for guys!), the first edition
shows you the history of curls among different eras (very interesting, women along the centuries longed for curly hair!) 
Curly Girl 1st edition

Curly Girl 2nd edition

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